I am nobody who tells everybody about somebody who can save anybody.
From "a rented house" in Kathmandu
     Email: tankrai@gmail.com     Alternative email : tankrai@wlink.com.np
Skype: reubenrai Mailing address for Bibles : GPO 8975 EPC 2030, Kathmandu, Nepal
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This Site Created and Maintained by:
Jerry D. Ousley
Jerry Ousley Webs
Monthly Reports
Church in Nepal
Reuben Rai Ministries
Ministry Update
Students in the Bible School take Bibles to the villages
The Bible Distribution Ministry has been in our hearts since we came to understand the importance of the Bible in the life of a disciple. Our motto is: God’s word is free-let everyone have it. Hundreds of new people join the church in Nepal and they need the Bible.

We accept new and used Bibles and share them with people who need them. Please join with us to share the blessing of the Word of God with someone who cherishes it. Send us your unused Bible for someone special who is waiting for his own copy.
Benefits of the Word of God

These are the blessings of reading the scripture:

1.   Answered Prayer John 15: 7, Prov 28: 9.
2.   Victory over sin, Ps 119: 9, 11, 1 John 2: 14, John 8: 31-32.
3.   Spirit filled living, Eph 5: 18-19, Col 3: 16.
4.   The word brings purpose to life, John 17: 17-18.
5.   Spiritual Growth, Rom 10: 10, 1 Pet 2: 2.
6.   Fruitfulness, Ps 1; 2-3.
7.   Defeats the power of darkness, Mt 4: 3-11, Eph 6: 17, Heb. 4 : 12.
8.   Brings success to life, Jos 1; 8, Ps 1; 2-3, Jam 1; 25.
9.   Equips us to be competent counselors, Rom 15: 14, 2 Tim 3 : 16.
10.  When used it brings the purpose of God to pass, Isa 55 ; 10-11,
11.  It gives comfort and hope, Rom 15: 4, Heb 6: 17-20.
12.  It gives guidance and direction to life, Ps 119; 105.
13.  It brings joy, Jer 15: 16.

The price of a Bible in Nepal is 3 US dollars. We need English Bibles also but they are costly here. You can be a partner with us by just sending scriptures. In every good Christian home there are plenty of unused Bibles, but people here are desperately looking for the Bible. You could be a blessing to them. If you want to donate Bible please write us today

We distribute Bibles to our Pastors, Evangelists and workers. In December of this year we would like to bless churches with the scriptures. We are praying for 400 Bibles. If you are led by the Holy Spirit to donate us a Bible, we would be glad to know that.
Bible College students get a personal copy of the Bible
Another very important need of our evangelistic ministry is gospel tracts. Tracts are very easily handed out to people in Nepal. Bless Nepali churches with the Gospel tracts. Help us print more Gospel tracts so that we can give them to village evangelists.

Your gift of only 200 US dollar helps us print ten thousand Gospel tracts. Please consider being a part of this ministry by donating funds to print more tracts for our ongoing evangelistic ministry.

We receive many requests from our churches for Bibles and tracts. We need partners who can help us purchase and print. We encourage you to put your money in God’s bank in your account by investing here on earth. God bless you. Please donate Bibles. God’s word is free - let everyone have access to it. Send us your unused Bibles; we will happily place them in the hands of some one very needy. To know more about our Bible Distribution Ministry, please click in a photograph above.

Thank you